I’ve just returned from presenting at the Jersey Sport Foundation Conference and have to say I had a fantastic time.
After arriving on the Friday afternoon, we headed to the Jersey Sport Foundation HQ for a presentation by John Scriven on “Exercise Classification and Transfer” discussing the work of Dr Anatoliy Bondarchuk and Professor Yuri Verkoshanksy – the Godfathers of Strength and Conditioning! This was a great session getting involved in discussions on dynamic correspondence and what may/may not constitute general preparation, specific preparation etc.
Fast forward to Saturday and Liz Myers was the first speaker presenting on “Exploring Physical Literacy, What it is and what it isn’t and how we can create change.” She was very informative presenting a thorough perspective on the statistics behind physical literacy in the UK and it’s impact on long term health outcomes for the next generation
David Kennedy picked up where Liz left over, presenting on “Exploring Jersey’s own physical literacy journey” discussing some statistics specific to Jersey and some of the assessments and interventions completed by Jersey Sport Foundation, as well as the challenges and future directions for physical Literacy on the Island.
I then presented on “Special Considerations for practicing in youth sport”, delivery both theoretical and practical elements. You can find the presentation slides here: Jersey Sport Foundation Conference 2018. There are also 3 video segments below
There are also some short video clips I assume John recorded of the practical elements available on the Jersey Sport Foundation Facebook and Twitter page.
Finally, Stuart Green closed out proceedings discussing “Movement is child’s play: A developmental approach to coaching efficient movement.” His presentation and practical was particularly eye opening, highlighting the importance of allowing infants to progress naturally and not force them to skip developmental stages (eg. rolling, crawling etc.). He then discussed the importance of proper diaphragmatic breathing and it’s influence on back pain and potential performance of the human body.
I hugely enjoyed my time on the Island and would recommend it to anyone considering attending the conference in the future. I’ll be planning to come again for sure! I would like to personally thank John Scriven for the invitation and the entire team at Jersey Sport Foundation who were fantastic from start to finish in terms of organisation and hospitality!
To find out more about the Jersey Sport Foundation and the fantastic work they are doing then please visit their website and Facebook page.
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