Annika McGivern (Mind Aware Performance): Mindset matters…

Annika work with athletes, coaches and personal trainers to help them train and compete with confidence. Her approach focuses on optimizing self-beliefs, mindset and confidence to create success without the roller-coaster of negative emotions, self doubt and burnout. She has a BA in Psychology from the University of Victoria and an MSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology. She is also an Equine Canada Competition Coach. She specializes in building new beliefs, mindsets and habits that form the foundation of confidence and consistent performance. 

In this episode Annika discusses: 

  • Her realisation of the 2nd world of sport. 
  • Why the brain perceives all change as a threat. 
  • How the Corona Virus pandemic can be reframed as an opportunity to start new behaviours. 
  • How important it is to develop a Growth Mindset and Why. The Let Be, Let Go, Let In model she uses for managing anxiety. 
  • The false idea that motivation precedes action. 
  • Why identity can become such a huge influence in behaviours and habits.
  •  Why coaches should be using an “Ask” rather than “Tell” approach with their athletes. 

You can keep up to date with Annika via her Instagram account: @map_sportpsych and via her website

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